About Tomoshiyo
Wuhan Youzhiyou Biopharmaceutical Co., LTD

Wuhan Youziyou Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a biotechnology company dedicated to developing bisspecific antibody (BsAb) based therapies for the treatment of cancer-related complications, cancer and senile eye diseases to address medical needs in the field of oncology and geriatric ophthalmology。

  • 4
    Innovation platform
  • 80 %
    R&d personnel
  • 78
    Patents (33 granted, 45 under review)
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death。Tumor is a new organism formed by a certain cell in a local tissue that loses its normal regulation on its growth at the gene level under the action of various carcinogenic factors。At present, most evidence supports that tumors are monoclonal, meaning that all cancer cells in a tumor cell population proliferate from a single mutated cell。Tumors are generally classified into two categories: benign and malignant。Immunotherapy, especially immune checkpoint inhibitors (including double antibody) and CAR T cell therapy, has brought breakthrough advances in cancer treatment。Anti-tumor drug candidates are the main areas of development for Youziyou Bio, and the current pipeline includes M701, Y101D, Y150, M802, and Y332。
Geriatric diseases
Geriatric disease is one of the areas of the biological layout of Youzhiyou, and the common diseases in clinical practice are neurodegeneration, spinal related degeneration, joint and bone related degeneration and age-related macular degeneration。Among them, age-related macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is an aging change in the structure of the macular region。Senile macular degeneration mostly occurs in people over 45 years old, and its prevalence increases with age. It is an important disease causing blindness in the elderly。Most of the lesions were circular,Normal appearance,Dim vision,Deformities of vision,Central shadow before eyes,According to the fundus symptoms are divided into dry age-related macular degeneration (atrophic degeneration),dAMD) and wet age-related macular degeneration (exudative,wAMD: Mild macular pigment disorder in early dAMD,Foveal reflection is not clear or disappeared,Warts scattered in glass membrane,There may be gold-leaf changes in the late stage,Cartographic pigment epithelium atrophy,Cystic deformation or lamellar holes;Macular pigment epithelium disorder in early wAMD,Foveal reflection disappears or disperses,Glass warts often fuse,Intermediate macular edema,Bleeding and exudation,Serous or hemorrhagic detachment of retina,neovascularization,In the later stage, a circular disk scar was formed。Y400 has been developed for wAMD, diabetic macular edema (DME) and other ocular neovascularization related diseases。

Prophylactic vaccine is one of the important research and development areas of Yuzhi Youji Biotechnology。Vaccines are targeted at pathogens or proteins (polypeptides, peptides), polysaccharides or nucleic acids that are essential for pathogen infection, and can induce specific humoral and/or cellular immunity after immunization with one or more components, directly or through carriers, so that the body can obtain immunity against the disease。The current use of vaccines has evolved from preventing disease to treating it,There are preventive vaccines and therapeutic vaccines: preventive vaccines are the combination of pathogenic microorganisms (such as bacteria, viruses, etc.) and their metabolites,An autoimmune agent prepared by artificially attenuated, inactivated, or transgenic methods for the prevention of infectious diseases,Such vaccines retain the immunogenic properties of the pathogen to induce a moderate immune response against disease infection;Therapeutic vaccines are used in an organism that is already infected with pathogenic microorganisms or already suffering from certain diseases,By inducing a specific immune response,Products or articles of natural, synthetic, or recombinant gene expression designed to treat or prevent disease progression。At present, there are five major technical routes for vaccines against novel coronavirus in the world: inactivated vaccine, recombinant protein vaccine, adenovirus vector vaccine, attenuated influenza virus vector vaccine, and nucleic acid vaccine。Y2019,It is Youzhiyou Bio that has responded aggressively during the COVID-19 pandemic,A novel recombinant SARS-CoV-2 subunit protein vaccine developed in cooperation with Wuhan Institute of Virology,Phase Ia clinical trials have been completed,And obtained Ethics Committee approval to initiate the Phase IIa clinical trial of Y2019 in China。

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